
Dear Investors of Technology Advances Investment!

From 10.12.2018 we started to fulfill our obligations to Investors - holders of preferred shares.
Instructions for withdrawing dividends are available here

Dividend Payment Procedure:

  1. Every month, from the 1st to the 5th day, the system charges Investor dividends.
  2. Every month we form an application for the withdrawal of dividends before the 10th day of the current month, which the Investor creates.
    December 2018, you can create an application for withdrawal until December 15, 2018
  3. In the period from 10-20 of the current month, we deduct dividends on Investors' details specified in the application created in P2.
  4. Dividends are calculated and paid once a month.

Dividend Use:

  • Dividends (partially or fully) can be transferred to Investor’s details
  • Dividends (partially or fully) can be accumulated in your account
  • Dividends (partially or fully) can be used to purchase additional shares
  • The minimum dividend withdrawal amount is $ 30

Only relevant for preferred shares